Congratulations and Thank you. Congrats because you have taken the first step in doing something that will make your life better. Thank you, because you have taken the first step in making life better for others. This is the place where you can come to see the fruits of your labor. Occasionally, I will post information about who has recieved our donations and the thanks they have given in return. Again, I thank you. Please enjoy. --Will Dalen Rice

Friday, December 18, 2009

Charity: Water

According to the confirmation page...we just provided 4.2 people with clean water for the next 20 years...

Thanks for a great year. I will be sending out statements soon with all the info on them for your taxes.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween

We have recently given to...

Susan G Komen (Liz)


WFAE..the local NPR (Alan)

Supporting information, education, and women not getting cancer.

thanks y'all.

Dalen/ Will

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Charity: Water

This was a really cool recent donation recipient.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Pretty sweet story about why she is doing this

A friend of mine named Kat is running a marathon...wondering why? click the link...

we gave the school some money on her behalf.

we are also now proud supporters of NPR affiliate!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Justin Pick

In an effort to support...

Justin has chosen to give to...

because he wants his choice to be local in the truest sense (i.e. geographically and socially (i.e. involving racin'))

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

recent gifts

Liz recently chose

for orphans left behind by 9/11, but also was wanting to give to

an equally awesome concept.

For Jerrod's turn, we will be attempting to adopt a goat (if we can get around the whole "send us a check" issue. More news later on its name and hopefully a picture as well.

be great

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jerrod- Grin Kids

Nice pick Jerrod. Thanks for playing...and by playing I mean sacrificing hard earned money that could otherwise be spent on Tequilla, to drink by the pool, instead of running 6 miles. Seriously though...thank you everyone.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Donations

Liz, one of our newest members chose an organization called Back on my Feet, aiding homeless people by building their self-esteem through running.

Alan, in the other cell, chose to give money to Levines Children's Hospital through the Children's Miracle Network. I have personally been there, and the place seems very friendly and even though kids in hospitals is not a good thing, it appears as though this place is the most kid friendly you can get. Picture a McDonald's playground where you can get medical attention.

If you think you might want to be involved, but cant afford $38 every two weeks, I am creating starter cells for only $10 every two weeks. Let me know if this sounds more doable to you.

thanks for readin'.


Saturday, August 8, 2009 update

I just leant out the money we had sitting in our account and I came across these stats for us. It makes me excited to know that in this case we arent just giving money to a cuase, but these people are getting the tools they need to advance in life.

Feel free to look on our account (, pw: gengroup3) to learn more about who has recieved loans from us and how they are doing.


My Loan Statistics

Me Avg. Kiva User*

Total Amount Lent $550 $159

Total Amount Repaid $243 $106

Total Amount Lost $0.00 $1.06
Delinquency Rate 0.00% 5.11%
Default Rate 0.00% 1.39%
Currency Exchange Loss Rate 0.00% 0.00%

Monday, July 20, 2009

Membership has increased

I havent written on here in quite some, allow me to update everyone.

We now have two cells....

Cell UNO
-Justin Van Atta
-Alan Dellinger


Cell J&D
-Brianne Connelly
-Liz JanesxkzscoCo.
-Jerrod Kraftchick
-Will Dalen Rice

...and we are looking to expand even further. Remember, the goal is 4 people in a cell. So, if your cell is not full, recruit. If your cell is full, recruit and start your own new cell.

If people cant commit to the full price ($38/ two weeks...10% of my AmeriCorps stipend salary from Habitat) but they really want to participate, let me know and we can maybe negotiate some intially lesser value until people get used to it.

Have a great day and as always...thanks for giving.

Will Dalen RIce
CFO The Genesis Group

Donation on 7/20- diggin' wells

We gave 124 to help dig some wells in Africa.

(Dalen's Choice)