Congratulations and Thank you. Congrats because you have taken the first step in doing something that will make your life better. Thank you, because you have taken the first step in making life better for others. This is the place where you can come to see the fruits of your labor. Occasionally, I will post information about who has recieved our donations and the thanks they have given in return. Again, I thank you. Please enjoy. --Will Dalen Rice

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Cell UNO is complete!

We finally did it. The first Cell in a long line has come to completion. For now, it is called Cell UNO. We made our first official donation yesterday at a whopping 152 dollars! Thats awesome! It went to an organization fighting Child Diabetes. It was Alan's first donation (YAY! ALAN!) and he chose diabetes.

All mighty institutions have acronyms. Here are a few I have come up with:
DC- Donor in, if its your first time, you have to be the DC.
DCO- Donor Chosen Organization...since Alan was the DC, he had control over the DCO, but he didnt choose the NAACP
MC- my cell, a cell you founded...its hard to beleive that in only 2 years we have both racked up over 30 MCs and now we are giving enough money every cycle to feed 100s of people.

The guidelines of the Genesis Group arent set in stone of course, but for now the current ruling is that you must be active in your initial cell for at least 2 cycles (4 months) before you can leave the cell and create a new one. Also, your cell must be completed before you leave. Cells will consist of no more than 4 people, and once a year (the cycle before the end of the year) any cells that you founded will donate to your DCO. It doesnt matter whether or not you are still active in that cell (you may have left to start new ones). The 2 cycle limit also means that you will have been the DC 3 times (your first time, 8 weeks later, and then 8 weeks later). If you get 5 MCs I'll buy you a steak dinner.

Soon, we will be giving more than the United Way! More importantly though, we are conscious of it and we are aware.

(cool sign off slogan goes here)
Will DAlen LEroi Rice

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